Aurimas via Flickr Creative Commons



We're the [FILL CHAPTER NAME IN] chapter of PyLadies, an international mentorship group for marginalized genders, such as but not limited to non-binary people, trans people, and women in tech.

We host monthly events, talks, and study groups where you can meet other pythonistas and learn more about programming, data science, web development, and more.

All skill levels welcome!


Join our Meetup group to hear about our free events.

Interested in hosting us, giving a talk, or leading a workshop? We'd love to hear from you!


Organizer 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis pulvinar lorem. Vestibulum finibus tincidunt ipsum. Fusce quis ipsum dapibus, sollicitudin enim a, hendrerit neque. Aenean dolor metus, convallis non lectus auctor, lacinia rhoncus nisi. Nullam sit amet mi nec leo elementum faucibus quis at magna. Mauris iaculis, lacus non porttitor imperdiet, leo quam tempor sapien, non ornare tellus urna faucibus justo. Proin mi dolor, maximus a neque vel, blandit tristique lorem. Sed fringilla lobortis quam vitae laoreet. Pellentesque feugiat eleifend pellentesque. Vivamus luctus interdum nunc, eu luctus velit porta at. Suspendisse blandit posuere lectus in tincidunt. Aenean felis erat, consectetur sed eros ac, semper aliquam mi. Cras a volutpat eros, eget porttitor sem. Praesent tincidunt urna vel eros viverra, id laoreet justo laoreet.

Organizer 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis pulvinar lorem. Vestibulum finibus tincidunt ipsum. Fusce quis ipsum dapibus, sollicitudin enim a, hendrerit neque. Aenean dolor metus, convallis non lectus auctor, lacinia rhoncus nisi. Nullam sit amet mi nec leo elementum faucibus quis at magna. Mauris iaculis, lacus non porttitor imperdiet, leo quam tempor sapien, non ornare tellus urna faucibus justo. Proin mi dolor, maximus a neque vel, blandit tristique lorem. Sed fringilla lobortis quam vitae laoreet. Pellentesque feugiat eleifend pellentesque. Vivamus luctus interdum nunc, eu luctus velit porta at. Suspendisse blandit posuere lectus in tincidunt. Aenean felis erat, consectetur sed eros ac, semper aliquam mi. Cras a volutpat eros, eget porttitor sem. Praesent tincidunt urna vel eros viverra, id laoreet justo laoreet.

About PyLadies

PyLadies is an international mentorship group with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community.

Our mission is to promote, educate and advance a diverse Python community through outreach, education, conferences, events and social gatherings.

To learn more, visit the PyLadies website.


Follow us on Twitter or join our Meetup group to get announcements and find out about upcoming events.

To connect with other PyLadies members through Slack, join and sign up for the [YOUR CHAPTER NAME] channel.

If you would like to give a tech talk, demo, or workshop, contact us at

If you would like to donate to us, you can donate on page! Yes, donations are to a 501c3 and are therefore tax deductible within the United States of America.

Is your company interested in hosting an event? Fill out our form and we will be in touch!